The Marksmanship Training Range
Using its unique capability, Rytmar Technologies designed and built a complete, integrated target system to meet the Australian defence Force marksmanship training requirements. This system includes:
- Mechanical target lifters and moving target carriers.
- Electrical power and control systems.
- Electronic data transfer and control system.
- A patented electronic hit detection system, commonly known as Location of Misses and Hits (LOMAH) or Projectile Locating System (PLS).
Projectile Locating System
RytMar Technologies have developed new technology in the form of the RytMar Acoustic Projectile Locating System known as the ‘ACCU-RITE®’ or ‘A-BAR’ for use with the automatic detection of supersonic projectiles. This device gives great accuracy over the whole target area.

“ACCU-RITE®”, Acoustic Projectile Locating System known as the “A-Bar”
The form, internal construction and directly coupled integrated amplifier of our sensors are improvements over present offerings and largely contribute to the improved accuracy of the projectile location. Another aspect of the A-BAR, is the ability to increase the number of detection sensors. This allows different combinations of sensor timings to be engaged, permitting corrections and crosschecking within our detection algorithms.

Static Target Lifter with triple target holder, A-Bar and Down Range Target Control Module (DRTM) fitted. A Night Effects Simulator (NES) is mounted on the concrete block wall.
Moving Target Trolley with target lifting mechanism, Bar PLS, DRTM and NES fitted.

Target Bank on a Marksmanship Training Range, with both Static and Moving Target Systems.

Control Boxes from left to right.
Lightning protection system; Target bank power control; Target bank communications box.

Range Supervising Computer (RSC).

Intelligent Visual Display Unit (IVDU)

Lane Initiator

IVDU Storage System
Longitudinal, Moving and Turning Target System (LMTTS)
The Longitudinal, Moving and Turning Target System (LMTTS) is a design that is unique to Rytmar Technologies. It is a very rugged construction with built in redundancy to provide many years of reliable service.
Each target is capable of moving up and down its track, turning either of two faces towards the firer or on edge (hide) towards and away from the firing point. They can move at variable speeds from 0 metres per second to above that of normal running speed and can position themselves anywhere on their track to an accuracy of 5mm.
Targets can be programmed to act in unison or in a random pattern and speed to test the most experienced fire teams.

A 10 Lane, 30m Range, installation.

Programmable with hit response and scoring.

Rugged construction with inbuilt redundancy for reliability and safety.
The range can be controlled from:
a. Centrally from a Range Supervising Computer located in a Control Room.
b. A portable Range Control Computer (or Tablet) which communicate with the RSC via a Wi-Fi link.
c. Hand Held Remote Control Units (or Nomads)in each firing lane which communicate with the RSC via a Wi-Fi link.
Transverse, Moving and Turning Target System (TMTTS)
The Transverse, Moving and Turning Target System (TMTTS) is another design that is unique to Rytmar Technologies. This is a floor mounted system that comprises a target trolley mounted on a rail. The target trolley is driven by a cable that loops the full length of the track. And can pull the trolley in either direction at speeds of up to 3 metres per second.
The targets that can be mounted on the target trolley include the Box Target which is capable of accurately plotting the position of projectiles, be they supersonic or subsonic, to within 2mm of their true position on the target board surface. The target can be turned through 180 degrees to show either a “friend or foe” face to the firers.
The range can be controlled from:
a. Centrally from a Range Supervising Computer located in a Control Room.
b. A portable Range Control Computer (or Tablet) which communicates with the RSC via a Wi-Fi link.
Most parts for the TMTTS and LMTTS are interchangeable.

TMTTS view from the rear.

TMTTS on individual rails
Ballistic Analysis System
The RYTMAR Technologies, Ballistic Analysis System (BAS) is designed to provide fast, detailed and very accurate ballistic analysis of weapon and projectile performance.
Each time a shot is fired, the BAS will record the calculated shot location, remaining velocity and air temperature. The shot location is displayed graphically by superimposing the shot on a graphical target representation.
Once sufficient shots have been fired, the BAS will calculate the true size of the group from the available shots. The target graphic will be updated with every additional shot fired in order to show the selected shots, group size.
The test results can be viewed on the screen, printed, stored as a PDF file, and/or stored in a database.
The Test Report will then show on demand the calculated group details as follows:
- Group Data
- Mean Point of Impact(MPI)
- Extreme Spread (Direct, or Orthogonal)
- Covering Circle
- Mean Radius
- Ammunition Data
- Mean Remaining Velocity
- Maximum Remaining Velocity
- Minimum Remaining Velocity
- Velocity Standard Deviation
- Mean Remaining Energy
- Maximum Remaining Energy
- Minimum Remaining Energy
- Energy Standard Deviation
- Rate of Fire (Where automatic weapons are used.)
- Distribution Data
- Group Size
- Mean Radius
- Radial Standard Deviation
- Mean Miss Distance
- Maximum Miss Distance
- Minimum Miss Distance
- Pass Fail Rating
- Pass or Fail based on user defined criteria.
- Group Size
- Rate of Fire

Rytmar ACCURITE® sensor system being calibrated to the firing point.

Typical Firing Point set-up.

Display of Results

Weapons Awaiting Testing.